

Rendering by Wallace McTammany of Winthrop Building for builder Michael Burrows

The architects that shaped Palm Beach’s architectural fabric are household names Volk, Wyeth, Mizner, and Fatio to name a few. However, many other people were involved in the process of creating the built environment. Whether it’s overseeing the construction, the development, or the important task of visualization—several names come up time and again.

This exhibit highlights the work of master builders who were skilled in the design and construction of buildings. In some cases, they collaborated with architects, but often they designed the structures themselves. Many of these builders assumed several roles, a hallmark of the evolving nature of the architecture, engineering and construction industry.

It also highlights delineators, or technical illustrators, whose work is found within the architectural collections at the Foundation. They were responsible for bringing architectural drawings to life in a time when artistry was important, before it was largely replaced by digital renderings. Their work was instrumental in selling the project and was shown to clients, investors, and the public to garner support.
